Joaquín Sicilia at the World Green Infrastructure Congress
Tomorrow June the 20th, the World Green Infrastructure Congress in Berlin begins, where Joaquín Sicilia will participate with the lecture "The Paradigm of Urban Naturation as a Building Material".
Paper by Joaquín Sicilia on El Mundo
Joaquín Sicilia published in the new platform of El Mundo newspaper La naturación urbana cambiará nuestras ciudades.

Inauguration of the itdUPM new building
On November the 7th, The Rector of the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid will open the new building of itdUPM, a space for work and iteraction between researches,professionals and students.

Sicilia y Asociados is awarded at THE-NEXT-GREEN awards 2016 for the LABAU project
The World Green Infrastructure Networks and the International jury panel of THE-NEXT-GREEN awards 2016 recognized Sicilia y Asociados with the second place in the Global Category, Design Award for the LABAU (Bioclimatic Architecture and Urban Agriculture Laboratory" project.
The ceremony took place this last october 22 at the LIVI+C Convention Center in Connecta, Bogotá.
New phase in El Mansoura Tourist Resort (Oran)
Sicilia y Asociados will realise the Working Project for the Mansoura Tourist Resort in Oran.
Automobile Complex for Falcon Motors Mitsubishi in Dely Ibrahim (Algeria)
Sicilia y Asociados with TECNIA ALGÉRIE will carry out the second phase of the new Automobile Complex that Falcon Motors Mitsubishi is projecting in Dely Ibrahim (Algeria).
The programme includes a car dealership, a repair shop, quick-service boxes, storehouse/shop and offices.

The exterior space of itdUPM
Durante cuatro mañanas del pasado mes de junio "un total de 50 estudiantes y antiguos alumnos de seis escuelas de la UPM (Agrónomos, Agrícolas, Arquitectura, Edificación, Minas, Industriales y Diseño Industrial), alumnas de la UCM, y miembros del itdUPM, guiados por el colectivo de arquitectura Zuloark, fueron definiendo el diseño de esta bancada usando una sencilla técnica constructiva con madera."
YEAR 2017
- Special Plan for Internal Reform (PERI) Modification and Development Project for UE5 del (General Urban Development Plan) PGOU of Villanueva de Gállego (Zaragoza). Developer: INVERSIONES HIERROS ALFONSO, S.L. y EBRO RESTAURACIONES, S.L.
YEAR 2016
- "San Miguel" Surroundings. Special Plan for Internal Reform (PERI) Project, located in C/ Miguel Allué Salvador and Paseo de la Mina, Intervention Area F-5-1 of the PGOU in Zaragoza. Developer: Mª Soledad Avellanas Griñán. Garaje Aragón and Parroquia San Miguel de los Navarros (Archbishopric of Zaragoza).
YEAR 2014
- Conceptual idea and formalization of the Trademark "FOOTBALLANDLIFE. Universal Football City. Universal Football Museum" as a city model linked to the scopes of football activities. Developer: Sicilia y Asociados Arquitectura, S.L.P.
YEAR 2013
- Work management for the implementation of the "Sistema General Zona Verde Los Prados Fase III" in Utebo (Zaragoza). Developer: Utebo Council.
- Construction Project in Kassala, Sudan, El Fao to El Hanata Road. Developer: " COIPA Y NESPRO AFRICA".
YEAR 2011
- Study and planning of a new urban model from Biodiversity 4Km² in the City of Zaragoza, "ATALAYA, UN PAISAJE HABITADO". Developer: Hacienda Atalaya del Ebro, SL
YEAR 2009
- Spa Development Planning in the Building Sector no Ranged of General Land Plan (PGOU) in Camporrells (Huesca). Developer: Camporrells Council (Huesca).
- Walkway for Balneario in Camporrells (Huesca). Developer: Camporrells Council.
- Paving of Avenida Zaragoza in El Frasno (Zaragoza). Developer: El Frasno Council.
- Urban project and work management for Plaza Pública in El Frasno (Zaragoza). Developer: El Frasno Council.
YEAR 2008
- Urban project for Plaza Estébanes in Zaragoza. Developer: Ferisa Zaragoza, S.A.
- Work management for the implementation of the "Sistema General Zona Verde Los Prados Fase II" in Utebo (Zaragoza). Developer: Utebo Council.
YEAR 2007
- Urban project and work management for "UE 12" in La Muela (Zaragoza). Developer: Junta de Compensación de la UE-12.
- Buildings at Ctra. de Alagón-Tudela 12 in Remolinos (Zaragoza). Developer: Promovive Isuela J.P, S.L.
YEAR 2006
- Modification of the Subsidary Rules in Pedrola (Zaragoza). Developer: Miguel Ángel Bueno Serrano.
- File for Land Reordering at C/ Lucero del Alba 25 to 29 and C/ Riesgo in Zaragoza. Developer: Construcciones Nuevos Hogares de Aragón, S.L y Edificios Serrablo, S.L.
- Modification of Land-use Planning (PGOU) of Zaragoza for the construction of the School of Arts and Design in Zaragoza. Developer: Suelo y Vivienda de Aragón, S.L.
- Comprehensive Project and urbanization work management (Stage 1) of the "Sistema General Zona Verde Los Prados" in Utebo (Zaragoza). Developer: Utebo Council.
- Tracking of the Ebro River Banks Plan for the Zaragoza Expo 2008.Developer: Zaragoza Council.
- Detail Study, Demolition Project, Urban Project, Detail Design and work management of the buildings for "UER-7" in Cascante (Navarra). Developer: Promociones Bernal-Ruberte S.A.
YEAR 2005
- Urban Development, Partial Plan, Land Subdivision Project, Construction Project and Board Compensation Advisory in Vera de Moncayo and Alcalá de Moncayo, for a Leisure and Tourism Resort, that has got a golf course designed by Greg Norman. Developer: Sociedad Desarrollo del Somontano Ibérico, SL
- A residential complex study, Urban Method, Partial Planning, Construction and Building of Sierra de Gudar Sector in Alcalá de la Selva (Teruel). Developer: Casa Amiga.
- Urban Method, Property, Villanua Urban General Plan (PGOU) Amendment and Aruej Area Partial Plan for the rehabilitation of existing village to residential complex and leisure facilities. Developer: Adison Consulting SL
YEAR 2004
- Studies for urban rezoning in Villarrapa (Zaragoza). Developer: Comunidad de Propietarios.
- Urbanization of the perimeter of the Multipurpose pavilion in Calmarza (Zaragoza). Developer: Calmarza Council.
- Planning process at "UE-12" in La Muela (Zaragoza). Developer: La Muela Council.
- Scope U8 Urbanisation "Club Deportivo Helios" in the River Ebro Urban Banks Plan. Developer: Zaragoza Council.
- Urbanization of the Industrial Complex of Lecitrailer in Utebo (Zaragoza). Developer: Lecitrailer, S.A.
YEAR 2003
- Urbanization and adaptation for the surroundings of Museo Eólico (Wind Museum) in La Muela (Zaragoza). Developer: La Muela Council.
YEAR 2001
- Square (Zone of the old cemetery) in Calmarza (Zaragoza). Developer: Calmarza Council.
- Grave at 149-105 of Torrero Cemetery in Zaragoza. Developer: María Soledad Recio Laza.
- Modification of the Subsidary Rules in Ariza. Developer: Ariza Council.
- Modification of the Subsidary Rules for C/ Área and Barranco de la Viuna in Jaraba (Zaragoza). Developer: Jaraba Council.
YEAR 1999
- Urbanization of C/ Constitución and surroundings in Fayón (Zaragoza). Developer: Fayón Council.
- Urbanization of C/ Huesca, C/ Zaragoza, C/ Tarragona and C/ La Huerta in Fayón (Zaragoza). Developer: Fayón Council.
YEAR 1997
- Grave at 181-105 of Torrero Cemetery in Zaragoza. Developer: Cristina Almau Abadía.
YEAR 1996
- Special Plan for Internal Reform (PERI) Project for "San Lamberto" Quartering in Zaragoza. Developer: Ministerio de Defensa Instituto para la Vivienda de las Fuerzas Armadas.
- Paving and adaptation of streets and squares in Jaraba (Zaragoza). Developer: Jaraba Council.
YEAR 1995
- Comprehensive Guidelines and management of the "Somontano de Moncayo" touristic resources. Developer: Interambiental Consultora.
- Greening at C/ Delicias in Zaragoza. Developer: Zaragoza Council.
YEAR 1994
- Refurbishment of Plaza de la Constitución for the construction of an underground parking in Benicarló (Castellón). Developer: Almain, Almacenes Inteligentes S.L.
- Detail Study of plot sited at C/ Encinacorba 2 de Zaragoza. Developer: Fabio D’Angeli Gimenez.
- Special Plan for Internal Reform (PERI) Project for the old Military headquarters of Casablanca at C/ Via Ibérica in Zaragoza.
YEAR 1993
- Modification of the Subsidary Rules for the zone A-Villa in Nuévalos (Zaragoza). Developer: Nuévalos Council.
- Land Subdivision Project in Colonia de San Lamberto (Zaragoza). Developer: Enrique Lancis Altisench.
- Special Plan, Urbanization and Development Plan of the plot sited at Via Hispanidad and Via Ibérica in Zaragoza.
- Urbanization of the old town in Nuévalos. Developer: Nuévalos Council.
- Refurbishment of Plaza de Navarra for the construction of an underground parking in Huesca. Developer: Almain, Almacenes Inteligentes S.L.
YEAR 1992
- Special Plan for Internal Reform (PERI) Project for the zone "A-Villa" in Nuévalos (Zaragoza). Developer: Nuévalos Council.
YEAR 1988
- Urbanization of the access to Sisamón (Zaragoza). Developer: Sisamón Council.
YEAR 1987
- Urbanization of Plaza at Arándiga (Zaragoza). Developer: Arandiga Council.
- Urbanization of Plaza at Cetina (Zaragoza). Developer: Cetina Council.
YEAR 1980
- Detail Study of "Manzana-Paseo C/ Goya-Glacis" in Jaca (Huesca). Developer: Jaca Council.
YEAR 2014
- Conceptual idea and formalization of the Trademark "FOOTBALLANDLIFE. Universal Football City. Universal Football Museum" as a city model linked to the scopes of football activities.
YEAR 2012
- Intellectual property: Registration in the General Registry of Intellectual Property (Government of Aragón, Spain) of the " Advance of the generator concept of the Universal History of Football and its Current Reality; an idea that allows the design, management and commercialization of all spaces and scopes of leissure, culture, research, teaching and health, related to the past, present and future of Football, englobed in the term "Football City".
YEAR 1999
- He was granted the patent and trademark Polcly as a display stand system, screen and furniture.
- He was granted the patent "Habitable module system with a corresponding parking space and clear structure for their location." It was called Gyps. It was a revolutionary real estate product designed especially for resolving the needs of parking and housing. It was revolutionary for its low cost, fast installation, the possibility of transfer to another location and the several finishing options it offers. It consists of a garage on the ground high of 2.60 x 5, 00 and a module Gyps of 2.60 x10,00 with direct access from the garage.
YEAR 2017
- Refurbishment of the Spanish Embassy in Cairo (Egypt). Developer: Government of Spain, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation.
YEAR 2013
- Complete exterior rehabilitation of "Nuestra Señora de la Asunción" Church tower at El Frasno (Zaragoza). Developer: El Frasno Council.
- Rehabilitación of Aruej settlement (historical artistic Site) for residential and leissure complex (Huesca). Developer: Adison Consulting S.L.
YEAR 2012
- Work management of Hotel-Balneario (stage 2) at Segura de Baños (Teruel). Developer: Segura de Baños Council.
YEAR 2011
- Rehabilitation of housing residential building at C/ Alférez Rojas 64-66 and Enrique del Osso 9 in Zaragoza. Developer: Sociedad Municipal de Rehabilitación Urbana de Zaragoza (SMRUZ).
- Ramp for the elimination of architectural berries at C/ Alarife Marién de Marguán 8. Developer: Cdad. Propietarios Cala Verde.
- Refurbishment and extension of Hotel-Balneario de Sicilia-Serón in Jaraba (Zaragoza). Developer: José Mª Sicilia Baró, S.L.
YEAR 2010
- Refurbishment of Yerbero for a house at Camino Eras in Casbas de Huesca (Huesca). Developer: Vicente Domingo López.
- Interior refurbishment of house at Camino Miraflores 4 in Zaragoza. Developer: María Victoria Navarro Sanz.
- Interior refurbishment of house at C/ Maestro Estremiana 22 in Zaragoza. Developer: Sres. Domingo.
YEAR 2009
- Restorarion of "La Asunción" Church facade in El Frasno (Zaragoza). Developer: El Frasno Council.
- Consolidation and refurbishment of "Casa del Santero" for cultural space in Jaraba (Zaragoza). Developer: Jaraba Council.
- Work management de Hotel-Balneario (Stage 1) in Segura de Baños (Teruel). Developer: Segura de Baños Council.
YEAR 2008
- Rehabilitation of "Nuestra Señora de la Asunción" Parish Churchroof in Calmarza (Zaragoza). Developer: Calmarza Council.
- Extension of Hotel-Balneario de Sicilia-Serón in Jaraba (Zaragoza). Developer: José Mª Sicilia Baró, S.L.
- Rehabilitation of Parish Church roof in Jaraba (Zaragoza). Developer: Jaraba Council.
- Design and Work management of “Hotel Altovento” at C/ Reina Sofía in La Muela (Zaragoza). Developer: “Inmobiliaria Herrero Rodrígo, S.L.”.
YEAR 2007
- Design of spaces for hotel use and restoration of facade at C/ Los Plátanos in La Cartuja Baja (Zaragoza). Developer: Hnos. Navarro Alegre, S.L.
YEAR 2006
- Rehabilitation of house at Plaza Ramón y Cajal 6 in Jasa (Huesca). Developer: Promociones Inmobiliarias Luxor-33, S.L.
- Rehabilitation and extension of house at C/ Agustina de Aragón 10 in Morata de Jalón (Zaragoza). Developer: Pilar y Carmen Salas Yus.
- Rehabilitation of church at Plaza España in Pastriz (Zaragoza). Developer: Pastriz Council.
- Hotel-Balneario in Segura de Baños (Teruel). Developer: Segura de Baños Council.
- Refurbishment and extension of Hotel-Balneario Sicilia-Serón in Jaraba (Zaragoza). Developer: José Mª Sicilia Baró, S.L..
- Refurbishment of “Cinco Villas” at Paseo del Muro 10 in Ejea de los Caballeros (Zaragoza). Developer: Locacín, S.L..
YEAR 2005
- Preliminary design for the rehabilitation of the current dryers and cold storages industrial buildings for 80 housing residential complex in Olvega (Soria). Developer: Codesport, S.A.
- Cafeterie-Restaurant at "Casa del Santero" in Jaraba (Zaragoza). Developer: Jaraba Council.
YEAR 2004
- Rehabilitation and adaptation of building for the City Hall at Plaza Don Vicente Tena in La Muela (Zaragoza). Developer: La Muela Council.
YEAR 2003
- Rehabilitation and adaptation of 2 shelters for houses at Barrio Urbano in Navasa (Huesca). Developer: Ignacio y Alberto Lorda Barraquer.
YEAR 1999
- Refurbishment and extension of hotel and thermal buildings at "Balneario Sicilia" (Stage 3) in Jaraba (Zaragoza). Developer: José María Sicilia Baró, S.L.
YEAR 1998
- Refurbishment and extension of hotel and thermal buildings at "Balneario Sicilia" (Stage 2) in Jaraba (Zaragoza). Developer: José María Sicilia Baró, S.L.
- Refurbishment and extension of spaces attached to "Balneario de Serón" in Jaraba (Zaragoza). Developer: José María Sicilia Baró, S.L.
YEAR 1997
- Refurbishment and extension of hotel and thermal buildings at "Balneario Sicilia" (Stage 1) in Jaraba (Zaragoza). Developer: José María Sicilia Baró, S.L.
YEAR 1996
- 50 rooms Hotel, facilities and covered thermal swimming pool at Balneario Sicilia in Jaraba (Zaragoza). Developer: José María Sicilia Baró, S.L.
- Refurbishment and extension of the thermal facilities at "Balneario Sicilia", catchment, design and distribution of the spring water in Jaraba (Zaragoza). Developer: José María Sicilia Baró, S.L.
YEAR 1994
- Refurbishment and adaptation of "La Purísima" School for residential use at C/ Corona de Aragón 54 in Zaragoza. Developer: Hermanas Franciscanas de La Inmaculada.
YEAR 1993
- Restoration and adaptation of "La Casa del Santero" in Jaraba (Zaragoza). Developer: Jaraba Council.
YEAR 1992
- Hotel at C/ Conde Aranda 46 and C/ Cerezo in Zaragoza. Developer: Hugo Garden S.L.
- Extension of the thermal station facilities at "Balneario Sicilia" in Jaraba (Zaragoza). Developer: José María Sicilia Baró, S.L:
YEAR 1991
- Extension "Hotel Mariana" (Stage 2) in Tramacastilla de Tena (Huesca). Developer: José Ramón Pérez Acín
- Detail design for restauration of "Nuestra Señora de Atocha" Hermitage in Cetina (Zaragoza). Developer: Cetina Council.
- design of refurbishment and adaptation of spaces at Balneario de Serón in Jaraba. Developer: José María Sicilia Baró, S.L.
- Restoration and adaptation of the "Antiguo Cuartel de la Guardia Civil" for “Hotel Santa Cristina de Somport” in the Station of Canfranc (Huesca). Developer: Santa Cristina de Altaoja, S.A.
YEAR 1987
- Restoration of "San Juan Bautista" Church in Cetina (Zaragoza). Developer: Cetina Council.
- Restoration of the Mudejar fortified tower in Nuévalos (Zaragoza). Developer: Nuévalos Council.
- Restoration of "San Pedro" Parish Church in Miedes (Zaragoza). Developer: Miedes Council.
- Restoration of " Santa María " Church in Arándiga (Zaragoza). Developer: Arándiga Council.
- Collaboration in the rehabilitation of the old town of La Habana Vieja.
YEAR 1985
- Refurbishment and extension design for “Hotel Mariana” (Stage 1) in Tramacastilla de Tena (Huesca). Developer: José Ramón Pérez Acín.
YEAR 1984
- Rehabilitation of the facades of the " Urbanización Prado Largo" buildings in Jaca (Huesca).
YEAR 1982
- Rehabilitation and refurbishment design for the Wheel in Senegüé (Huesca).
- Rehabilitation and distribution of 7 apartments below deck at C/ San Bernardo 2 in Jaca (Huesca). Developer: Banco Zaragozano.
YEAR 1981
- Statement of building ruin in Araguás del Solano (Huesca).
YEAR 1980
- Statement of building ruin at C/ del Carmen in Jaca (Huesca).
YEAR 1979
- Statement of building ruin at C/ del Carmen 16 in Jaca (Huesca).
Complete Works FACILITIES
YEAR 2016
- School of La Purísima y San Antonio located in Zaragzoa. Developer: Provincia de la Inmaculada de la Orden de Frailes Menores (OFM) Franciscanos.
- Project management of the 9 unites Pre-School Education Building "Zaragoza-Sur" located in Zaragoza. Developer: Government of Aragon.
- Bioclimatic Remodeling of the maintenance building in ETSIA (UPM), Madrid. Developer: Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
YEAR 2015
- Remodeling of spaces, extension of classrooms and multi-use pavilion of the Molière School located in Zaragoza. Developer: Molière, Missión Laique Française.
YEAR 2011
- Sports Center at College Molière Draft in Zaragoza. Developer: College Molière, Mission Laique Française.
- Preliminary design for School in Mbini, Equatorial Guinea. Developer: “PROMOBARNA”.
YEAR 2010
- Children and Administrative School at 8, Manuel Marraco Ramon street in Zaragoza. Developer: College Molière, Mission Laique Française.
YEAR 2009
- Zaragoza Art and Design School at Ranillas Avenue in Zaragoza. Developer: Government of Aragon.
- Childhood and Elementary School CEIP (12 + 18) pcs. and 12 pcs. Running Childhood Education at the Equipped Area G-1 44-2 Park in Zaragoza. Developer: Government of Aragon.
YEAR 2008
- Installation and assemby of the space and exhibitors for "Aragón-Educa" (4º Salón). Developer: Aragon Government.
- Public School extension in Jaraba (Zaragoza). Developer: Jaraba Council.
YEAR 2007
- Installation and assemby of the space and exhibitors for "Aragón-Educa" (3er. Salón). Developer: Aragon Government.
- Childhood and Primary Education School at the Public School "Gil Tarin" site at Camino de las Banqueras, in La Muela (Zaragoza). Developer: La Muela Council
YEAR 2006
- Installation and assemby of the space and exhibitors for "Aragón-Educa" (2º Salón). Developer: Aragon Government.
YEAR 2005
- Installation and assemby of the space and exhibitors for "Aragón-Educa" (1er. Salón). Developer: Aragon Government.
YEAR 2004
- Installation and assemby of the space and exhibitors for "Aragón-Educa". Developer: Aragon Government.
- New buildings and adaptation of plot for horse farm at Polígono 3 in Sádaba (Zaragoza). Developer: Sidney Company Europe S.L.
YEAR 2003
- Installation and assemby of the space and exhibitors for "Aragón-Educa". Developer: Aragon Government.
YEAR 1999
- Extension of “Ramón y Cajal” High School in Zaragoza. Developer: Ministerio de Educación y Cultura. Dirección Provincial de Zaragoza.
- “Cortes de Aragón” Public School extension of 9+0 classrooms in Zaragoza. Developer: Ministerio de Educación y Cultura. Dirección Provincial de Zaragoza.
- “Zalfonada” Public School extension of 9+0 childhood classrooms in Zaragoza. Developer: Ministerio de Educación y Cultura. Dirección Provincial de Zaragoza.
YEAR 1998
- Extension of "Ciclos Formativos Centro I.E.S. Río Gállego" in Zaragoza. Developer: Ministerio de Educación y Cultura. Dirección Provincial de Zaragoza .
- Building refurbishment for the Tourism school at Plaza Ecce Homo 3 in Zaragoza. Developer: Fundación Fernando Casamayor.
YEAR 1995
- Parking and exteriors in the courtyard of "La Purísima" School in Zaragoza. Developer: Hermanas Franciscanas de La Inmaculada.
YEAR 1991
- Sports Pavilion for "Ramiro Solans" Public school at C/ Teodora Lamadrid 61 in Zaragoza. Developer: Zaragoza Council.
AÑO 2016
- Changing rooms, beauty centre, offices and grandstands for Parque Deportivo Ebro, located in Avenida de la Almozara 1 (Zaragoza). Developer: De Lágrimas y Hogueras S.L.
- Remodeling and extension of the Cafe and play center for Parque Deportivo Ebro located in Avenida de la Almozara 1 (Zaragoza). Developer: De Lágrimas y Hogueras S.L.
- Remodeling and extension of the football changing roomsr for Parque Deportivo Ebro located in Avenida de la Almozara 1 (Zaragoza). Developer: De Lágrimas y Hogueras S.L.
YEAR 2011
- Buildings and general spaces for the new ski resort of Cerler / Castanesa in Montanuy (Huesca). Developer: ARAMON MONTAÑAS DE ARAGON. Contributor: NORMAN FOSTER + PARTNERS e INTECSA-INARSA -.
- New Municipal Football Stadium for 43,000 spectators Project in Zaragoza , expandable to 50,000, cultural spaces and uses and an urbanization at San José area in Zaragoza. Developer: Zaragoza Council.
- Sports Club Draft in Momgomo, Equatorial Guinea. Developer: "GEPETROL".
YEAR 2010
- River Hall Center singular building next to the Swimming Sports Center Helios, catering and entertainment. Developer: Espacio Ebro, 2008, SL. Collaboration: "Entre 3 Arquitectos Zaragoza".
- Legalisation of existing buildings and new ones at plots 147, 148, 151, 154 y 155 of Polígono 3 in Sádaba (Zaragoza). Developer: Sydney Company Europe, S.L..
- Buildings at Polygon 3, plots 269 and 275 in Sádaba (Zaragoza). Developer: Sydney Company Europe, SL.
YEAR 2007
- Indoor Swimming Pool Project at E-2 Plot in "Corral de la Carne" in Fuentes de Ebro (Zaragoza). Developer: Fuentes de Ebro Council.
YEAR 2004
- "San Agustín" Sports Center interior adaptation in Zaragoza. Developer: Polideportivo San Agustín.
YEAR 2003
- Children swimming pool for sports center in Utebo (Zaragoza). Developer: Utebo Council.
YEAR 2002
- Multi-purpose pavilion in Calmarza (Zaragoza). Developer: Calmarza Council.
- Multi-purpose pavilion in Ateca (Zaragoza). Developer: Ateca Council.
YEAR 2001
- Multi-purpose pavilion at Zona del Barranco in Jaraba (Zaragoza). Developer: Jaraba Council.
YEAR 1994
- Study for Sport Park and Swimming Pool in Jaraba (Zaragoza).
YEAR 1993
- Preliminary design for the implementation of para la implantación of a Water Park at La Península de la Ermita, (Embalse de la Tranquera) in Nuévalos (Zaragoza).
YEAR 1990
- Refurbishment of Sports fields for "Moncayo" School at Vía Hispanidad 20 de Zaragoza. Developer: P.P. Corazonistas.
- Multi-purpose pavilion at San Gregorio in Zaragoza. Developer: Ocinsa Obras y Construcciones S.A.
- Multi-purpose pavilion in Monzalbarba (Zaragoza). Developer: Ocinsa Obras y Construcciones S.A.
YEAR 1989
- "Nuestra Señora del Pilar" Park n Pedrola (Zaragoza). Developer: Pedrola Council.
- Municipal Sports Center "Ramiro Solans" at Barrio Oliver in Zaragoza. Developer: Zaragoza Council.
YEAR 1988
- Park, swimming pools and sports center at C/ Señoría 29 in Cetina (Zaragoza). Developer: Cetina Council.
YEAR 2016
- Refurbishment of Play-centre and Library at Avenida de la Justicia in Fuentes de Ebro (Zaragoza). Developer: Fuentes de Ebro Council.
YEAR 2013
- Hydrocarbons and Mining Museum in Equatorial Guinea. Developer: Mines, Industry and Energy Ministry in Equatorial Guinea.
YEAR 2012
- "Esquinas del Psiquiátrico" Theatre at Universitas Road at the corner of Duchesa Villahermosa Street in Zaragoza. Developer: “Teatro del Temple Producciones Sociedad Cooperativa, Pam Hosteleros S.L. and Teatro Che Y Moche S.L. Join Venture Company”
YEAR 2011
- Preliminary design of Conference Hall in Mbini, Equatorial Guinea. Developer: “PROMOBARNA”.
YEAR 2009
- Archeological site covering “Las Cerradicas” in Galve (Teruel). Developer: Government of Aragon.
- Archaeological site covering "La Malena" in Azuara (Zaragoza). Developer: Government of Aragon.
- Partial covering of Archaeological Sites "Villafortunatus" in Fraga (Huesca). Developer: Government of Aragon.
YEAR 2008
- Vertical Garden and Public Square at Delicias Street in Zaragoza. Developer: Zaragoza Council.
- Improvement and design aspects of the Terma I exhibition in Labitolosa archaeological site in La Puebla de Castro. Developer: Government of Aragon.
- Development of routes for landscape interpretation in the "Bilbilis" Field in Calatayud (Zaragoza). Developer: Government of Aragon.
- Turkey Pavilion Complex for the International Exhibition at Expo Zaragoza 2008. Developer: Consorcio Meteksan / Zen / Ark. Turkey Government . Contributor: "QED Expo Services, UTE".
- Santa Sede Pavilion Complex for the International Exhibition at Expo Zaragoza 2008. Developer: Archdiocese of Zaragoza. Contributor: "QED Expo Services, UTE".
- The Water Tribune Pavilion Project for the International Expo Zaragoza 2008. Developer: Expo 2008.
- portable square for para Celebrations in El Frasno (Zaragoza). Developer: El Frasno Council.
YEAR 2007
- Municipal Facilities, Theatre and Coexistence Center at the former "Esquinas del Psiquiatrico". Developer: Zaragoza Council.
- Nature Museum in La Muela (Zaragoza). Developer: La Muela Council.
- Theatre-Culture House at Justice Avenue,in Fuentes de Ebro (Zaragoza). Developer: Fuentes de Ebro Council.
YEAR 2005
- Archeological site covering “Los corrales del Pelejón” in Galve¡(Teruel). Developer: Government of Aragon.
YEAR 2004
- A comprehensive blueprint study and a draft for covering and enclosure in various Archaeological Sites of the Government of Aragon. Developer: Government of Aragon.
- An old mill adaptation draft to cultural and leisure complex in Aliaga (Teruel). Developer: Aliaga Council.
- The Terma I ruins Coverage and protection at Labitolosa archaeological site in La Puebla de Castro (Huesca). Developer: Government of Aragon.
YEAR 2003
- Adaptation of the multi-purpose rooms at the "Museo del Viento" (Wind Museum) in La Muela (Zaragoza). Developer: La Muela Council.
YEAR 2002
- Interpretation Center for Wind Energy at Museo del Viento (Wind Museum) in La Muela (Zaragoza). Developer: La Muela Council.
YEAR 2001
- Refurbishment and consolidation of the buildings that shape “La Casa del Santero” at "la Ermita" Complex in Jaraba (Zaragoza). Developer: Ayuntamiento de Jaraba.
YEAR 1997
- refurbishment of premise for "Lauman Art Gallery" at Paseo de Sagasta 64 in Zaragoza. Developer: Galería Lauman S.A.
YEAR 2013
- Managing works of Day Center, Medical Center and Premises at "Urbanización El Cerrao” in El Frasno (Zaragoza). Developer: El Frasno Council.
YEAR 2012
- Morgue Draft in Pitesti, Romania. Developer: Cirstea Flavio Soria.
YEAR 2011
- Healthcare Residence and Church at Mary Poppins Square in Valdespartera neighbourhood in Zaragoza. Developer: Parish Church San Ignacio Delgado. Archdiocese of Zaragoza.
- Hospital Draft in Sipopo, Equatorial Guinea. Developer: Musical Serrano / Defense Ministry in Equatorial Guinea.
- Preliminary design of Hospital in Ayene, Equatorial Guinea. Developer: “PROMOBARNA”.
- Preliminary design of Farmacy Unit in Equatorial Guinea. Developer: “GRUPO CEON LOGISTICA MARKEM”.
- Preliminary design Church in Mbini, Equatorial Guinea. Developer: “PROMOBARNA”.
- Governmental City Draft in Equatorial Guinea. Developer: "GRUPO CEON LOGISTICA MARKEM".
- Añisok PDG headquarters Draft in Equatorial Guinea. Developer: "GRUPO CEON LOGISTICA MARKEM".
- Judicial Practices Institute Draft in Equatorial Guinea. Developer: "GRUPO CEON LOGISTICA MARKEM".
YEAR 2009
- Muslim Cemetery Expansion for Torrero in Zaragoza. Developer: Dirección Gestión y Planificación de Obras, S.A
YEAR 2008
- Medical Center in Jaraba (Zaragoza). Developer: Jaraba Council.
- Day Center, Medical Center and Premises at "Urbanización El Cerrao” in El Frasno (Zaragoza). Developer: El Frasno Council.
YEAR 2007
- Parish Church of Nuestra Señora de la Almudena, parish and parking at C/ Escoriaza and C/ Fabro in Zaragoza. Developer: Archdiocese of Zaragoza.
- Chapel at the Sicilia Spa-Hotel in Jaraba (Zaragoza). Developer: José María Sicilia Baró, SL.
YEAR 2006
- Extension of Day Center in Jaraba (Zaragoza). Developer: Jaraba Council.
YEAR 2005
- Medical Center at C/ Travesía Palafox in Pastriz (Zaragoza). Developer: Pastriz Council.
YEAR 2004
- Town Hall building at Don Vicente Tena Square in La Muela (Zaragoza).Developed: La Muela Council.
YEAR 2000
- Cemetery Extension in Fayón (Zaragoza). Developer: Fayon Council.
YEAR 1995
- Prefabricated Hospital Units for the cities of Tolu and Ibagué in Colombia. Developer: Sociedad de Ámbito Constructivo, S.A.
- Prefabricated Hospital Units for different Colombian cities. Developer: Sociedad de Ámbito Constructivo, S.A.
- Prefabricated Education Units for different Colombian cities. Developer: Sociedad de Ámbito Constructivo, S.A.
YEAR 1992
- Refurbishment of Carenas Council in Carenas (Zaragoza). Developer: Carenas Council.
YEAR 1982
- Refurbishment and extension of Cemetery in Jaca (Huesca). Developer: Jaca Council.
YEAR 2016
- Base design for remodeling and modernisation of the new R&D center of SAICA located in Burgo de Ebro (Zaragoza). Developer. SAICA.
- New headquarters of Falcon Motors Mitsubishi Automobile Complex in Dely Brahim (Algeria).
YEAR 2014
- Refurbishment Offices at the third floor of Torre C2, C/ Tomillo, Polígono Puerta Norte in Zaragoza. Developer: ATMEL SPAIN, S.A.U
YEAR 2013
- Refurbishment of premise for commercal use at C/ Canfranc 6 in Zaragoza. Developer: Cigarrillos Electrónicos Jiménez, S.L.
- New Agricultural Farm Sheds and Refurbishment of current Agricultural Shed in Miralbueno (Zaragoza). Developer: Azalam, S.L.
YEAR 2011
- Cafeterie Kiosk at Paseo de Colón besides Canal Imperial in Zaragoza. Developer: Terraza Cuellar, S.L.
- Preliminary design of Shopping Center in Mbini, Equatorial Guinea. Developer: “PROMOBARNA”.
YEAR 2010
- Refurbishment of premise for Restaurant “Rogelios” at C/ Eduardo Ibarra 10 in Zaragoza. Developer: Gonzalo Alonso Vázquez.
- Commercial and office use Buildings in plots B1, B2, C1 and C2 of the North Gate Business Park in Villanueva de Gallego (Zaragoza). Developer: Bernal-Ruberte, SA
YEAR 2009
- Interior refurbishment for B/S/H headquarters at Módulo 2, Plots PE-5.3 and 5.4 of PLAZA zone in Zaragoza. Developer: BSH Electrodomésticos España, S.A.
YEAR 2008
- The building for the Technological Institute of Aragón ITA 3, a carpark expansion and landscaped areas at 7-8 María de Luna street in Zaragoza. Developer: Instituto Tecnológico de Aragón.
YEAR 2007
- Refurbishment of premise for Administration Offices at Paseo María Agustín 58 in Zaragoza. Developer: Government of Aragon.
- Refurbishment of premise at PLAZA zone in Zaragoza. Developer: Aragonesa de Reproducciones Gráficas, S.L.
- Headquarters office building for companies and carparks at PLAZA in Zaragoza. Developer. Acciona Inmobiliaria, SLU. Contributor: Magrazo- Used arquitectos, SL
YEAR 2006
- Residential Buildings designed to restore complex "Sansui.El Jardín del Agua"at" Finca El Carrascal " in Villanueva de Gallego (Zaragoza). Developer: Locacín, SL
- Shopping Center Building at C/ Reina Sofía in La Muela (Zaragoza). Developer: Inmobiliaria Herrero Rodrigo, S.L.
- Refurbishment of premise for commercial use at C/ Ossau in Zaragoza. Developer: Rosario Tobías.
YEAR 2005
- Refurbishment and Extension of Hotel and Restaurant Complex "El Cachirulo" at Carretera de Logroño de Zaragoza. Developer: Locacín, S.L.
- Refurbishment of premise for commercial use at C/ Albareda, 10 de Zaragoza. Developer: Pincolor, S.L.
- Refurbishment of space for Jewller's at PLAZA zone in Zaragoza. Developer: Jesús García Diseño, S.L.
- Warehouse for Balneario Sicilia in Jaraba (Zaragoza). Developer: José María Sicilia Baró, S.L.
- Refurbishment of Offices, Facades, Exhibitor Units in Heights (GYPS) and landscaping in Utebo (Zaragoza). Developer: Lecitrailer, S.A.
- Refurbishment of premise for commercial use at Avda. Goya 73 and C/ San Antonio María Claret 3 in Zaragoza. Developer: Pincolor, S.L.
- Refurbishment of premise for commercial use at Camino del Pilón 61 in Zaragoza. Developer: Aragonesa de Reproducciones Gráficas, S.A.
YEAR 2004
- Refurbishment of premise for commercial use at C/ Mª Moliner, 7 de Zaragoza. Developer:Funckart S.L.
- Restaurant “El Cazador” in Nuévalos (Zaragoza). Developer: Restaurante “El Cazador”, S.L.
- Legalisation of Industrial Nave in Villanueva de Gallego (Zaragoza). Developer: Planchados Sabela, S.L.
- Refurbishment of premise for commercial use at C/ Torrenueva, 14 de Zaragoza. Developer: Dischler S.L.
- Refurbishment of existing naves for offices at Polígono Centrovia in La Muela (Zaragoza). Developer: Equipamientos Loija, S.L.
- Refurbishment of premise for commercial use " Espacio Soho" at C/ Santa Catalina 7 in Zaragoza. Developer: Soho Object, S.L.
YEAR 2003
- Refurbishment of premise for commercial use at Urbanización La Floresta, Local 4 in Zaragoza. Developer: Gabinete de Belleza Edumar, S.L.
- Refurbishment of space for the Reception-Hall of B/S/H/ offices at Avda de Montañana in Zaragoza. Developer: BSH Electrodomésticos España, S.A.
- Refurbishment of premise for Physiotheray Center at C/ Díaz de Mendoza in Zaragoza. Developer: Pedro Luis Corellano Martínez.
- Leissure Units in exterior space of B/S/H/ Offices at Avda. de Montañana in Zaragoza. Developer: BSH Electrodomésticos España, S.A.
- Refurbishment of space for B/S/H/ Offices in existing building at Avda. de Montañana in Zaragoza. Developer: BSH Electrodomésticos España, S.A.
- Refurbishment of premise for commercial use at C/ Bretón de Los Herreros in Logroño (La Rioja). Developer: Cajalon.
- Refurbishment of premise for commercial use at Avda. Alcalde Gómez Laguna, Centro comercial la Floresta in Zaragoza. Developer: Mª Pilar Lausín Blasco.
YEAR 2002
- Refurbishment of an industrial nave at Polígono CENTROVIA de La Muela (Zaragoza). Developer: Olcina Integral de Espacios S.L.
- Refurbishment of premise for commercial use en C/ Conde de Aranda, 3 de Zaragoza. Developer: Maurice Men’s, S.L.
- refurbishment of B/S/H space for privet dinner room at Avda. de Montañana in Zaragoza. Developer: BSH Electrodomésticos España, S.A.
- Door canopy for commercial premise at C/ 12 de Octubre 19 in Zaragoza. Developer: Manuel Juan Chavarrías Villanueva.
- Refurbishment of premise for commercial use at C/ Marceliano Isabal 5 in Zaragoza. Developer: Inmobiliaria Azoque S.L.
- Refurbishment of premise for commercial use at C/ San Juan de la Cruz 4 in Zaragoza. Developer: David Ballota Fuertes.
YEAR 2001
- Extension of naves for Offices and Exhibition Spaces in Calatayud (Zaragoza). Developer: AUVE S.L.
- Nave for Warehouse and exhibition Sapce at plots 159, 160 y 161 in el Burgo de Ebro (Zaragoza). Developer: Galería Lauman S.L.
- Refurbishment of premise for commercial use at C/ María Lostal 5 in Zaragoza. Developer: Actividades Artísticas y de Diseño Pilar Rived S.L.
- Refurbishment of premise for offices at C/ Venecia, 42 in Zaragoza. Developer: Construcciones Nuevos Hogares de Aragón S.L.
- Refurbishment of premise for cafeteríe “Rogelios” at C/ Eduardo Ibarra 10 in Zaragoza. Developer: Gonzalo Alonso Vázquez.
YEAR 2000
- Refurbishment of premise for commercial use at C/ Sangenis 25-27 and Paseo de Calanda 36 in Zaragoza. Developer: Blanco Lanuza S.L.
- Refurbishmentof the INCAELEC naves in Zaragoza. Developer: Incaelec S.L. Cableados Eléctricos.
- Refurbishment of premise for commercial use at C/ Madre Vedruna 2 in Zaragoza. Developer: A&A S.L.L
- Refurbishment of nave for music and multiuse spaces at C/ Segovia 7 in Zaragoza. Developer: David Diez de Pinos Rodrigo
YEAR 1999
- Refurbishment of premise at C/ Tenor Fleta 107-109 in Zaragoza. Developer: Fontanería y Calefacción Gil Luzón.
- Refurbishment and extension of naves at plot 43-44 of Malpica in Zaragoza. Developer: Tridesco, S.A., Trezas, S.L. y Cablena, S.L.
YEAR 1998
- Premise for commercial use at C/ Fray Julián Garcés 74 in Zaragoza. Developer: Mármoles Castán S.L.
- Medical Center and Gym y Gimnasio at "Porches Audiorama" Shopping Center, C/ Violante de Hungría in Zaragoza. Developer: CMS Vital S.L.
YEAR 1996
- medical Center design at C/ Princesa and C/ Cánovas in Zaragoza. Developer: Pasomar.
- Refurbishment of premise for offices at Paseo de Sagasta 14 de Zaragoza. Developer: AVA Aragón S.A.
- Refurbishment of premise at C/ Luis Nerea 5 de Calatayud (Zaragoza). Developer: Yolanda Remacha Mir.
YEAR 1995
- Commercial premise at C/ Progreso 2 in Pedrola (Zaragoza). Developer: Clemente Ibáñez Magallón.
- Refurbishment of premise at C/ Zurita 13 in Zaragoza. Developer: Ego-Moma S.L.
YEAR 1994
- Anteproyecto para edificio de oficinas en los terrenos de Galerías Primero, sitos en Avda. Cataluña de Zaragoza. Developer: Plácido Muñoz Colás.
YEAR 1993
- Legalisation and refurbishment of premise at Avda. Tenor Fleta 60 in Zaragoza. Developer: CMS Vital, S.L.
- El Vergel Service Area at Autovía Nacional II, Km. 200 in Cetina (Zaragoza). Developer: Acceso Directo a Pie de Autovía S.L.
- Refurbishment of premise for Veterinary Clinic at C/ Arzobispo Apaolaza 12 in Zaragoza. Developer: Laboratorio Albeitar S.C.
- Refurbishment of premise for Gym at Avda. Tenor Fleta 60 in Zaragoza. Developer: Abel Gago González.
YEAR 1992
- Refurbishment of premise for "La Arcadia" Cafeterie at C/ Manifestación 11 in Zaragoza. Developer: Cobos e Igado S.L.
- Refurbishment of premise for "Tlaloc" Shop at C/ Zurita 3 in Zaragoza. Developer: Mª José Ballota Fuertes.
YEAR 1991
- Collaboration with SEINSA Group for the design and mplementation of commercial areas and leissure parks in Zaragoza.
- New Headquarters Offices at C/ Panamá in Zaragoza. Developer: Incosa S.A.
- Restaurant at Avda. de Francia in Jaca (Huesca).
- Municipal Services building at La Romareda, Press Center Barcelona 92 in Zaragoza. Developer: Agrupación Aragonesa de Construcciones S.A
YEAR 1990
- Collaboration with SIBEC Group for the design and implementation of great commercial areas and leissure parks and in Spain.
- Offices for "Vida de Aurora Polar Seguros" in Madrid, Barcelona y Bilbao.
- Refurbishment premise for an Architecture Studio at C/ María Moliner 16 in Zaragoza. Developer: Sicilia y Asociados.
YEAR 1989
- "Instituto de Investigación sobre Reparación de Vehículos, S.A. -Centro Zaragoza-" Headquarters in Pedrola (Zaragoza). Developer: Instituto de Investigación sobre reparación de vehículos S.A.
YEAR 1988
- Refurbishment and extension of "Casino Zaragoza" in Alfajarín (Zaragoza). Developer: Casino de Zaragoza, S.A.
YEAR 1987
- "La Crema" Cafeterie-Restaurant at C/ D. Jaime I 34 in Zaragoza. Developer: Julia Lozano Colás
- Refurbishment premise for "Serafín Latón" Cafeterie at C/ Doctor Casas 11 in Zaragoza. Developer: Howard S.C.
- Refurbishment premise for "A sangre" Cafeterie at C/ Dato 21 in Zaragoza. Developer: Angel Aznar Rubio.
- Refurbishment premise for an Architecture Studio at C/ Ponzano 16 in Zaragoza. Developer: Joaquín Sicilia Carnicer.
YEAR 1986
- Contract as Design assesor Advicer and Architetconic Development at "The Austin Company", collaborating in projects arround Spain.
Works of this period are:
- " ALCON, S.A." Laboratory, offices and warehouse in Madrid.
- "Ramírez de Prado" building refurbishment and interior design for Standar Eléctrica in Madrid.
- Study of branch offices for "Chase Manhatan Bank" in Bilbao, Marbella, Madrid, Barcelona and Valencia.
- Interior design of "Saudisa Continente" new headquarters in Madrid.
- "Caja de Ahorros de Asturias" data proccesing Center in Oviedo.
- Refurbishment of building owned by "La Estrella de Seguros, S.A." at Gran Via 17 in Madrid.
- Ergonomícs study for IBM offices in Valencia.
YEAR 1985
- Contract as Design assesor Advicer and Architetconic Development at "The Austin Company", collaborating in projects arround Spain.
Works of this period are:
- Refurbishment and interior design for "La Estrella de Seguros, S.A." at Gran Vía in Madrid.
- "Rovi" Pharmaceutical laboratory and warehause building in Madrid.
- Refurbishment of "SEO" offices in Madrid.
- "Banco Exterior de España" data proccesing Center in Madrid.
- Study and location of areas for "Caja de Ahorros de Asturias" data proccesing Center in Oviedo.
- Study for "ICIFARMA" new offices in Madrid.
- Building refurbishment study for "Chase Manhatan Bank" headquarters at María de Molina 31 in Madrid.
- " A.I.S.S." building refurbishment and interior design (stage 2) at Parque de Huesca, propierty of the Ministry of Labour, Spain.
YEAR 1984
- design of commercial galleries in the groundfloor of the building sited at C/ Carmen 16 in Jaca (Huesca).
- Music bar at C/ Bellido in Jaca (Huesca).
- Premise refurbishment and interior design at C/ Juan XXIII in Jaca (Huesca).
YEAR 1983
- Design of naves and housings in Ateca (Zaragoza).
- Photographic laboratory at Avda. Escuela Militar de Montaña in Jaca (Huesca).
- Restaurant-Terrace, extension of "Bulevar" night club in Jaca (Huesca).
YEAR 1982
- Building refurbishment and extension for "La Fragua" Restaurant in Jaca (Huesca).
- Refurbishment premise at Plaza Santa Ana in Sabiñánigo (Huesca).
- Mezzanine for cafeterie at Avda. Zaragoza in Jaca (Huesca).
- Preliminary design for cinema at Avda. Jacetania in Jaca (Huesca). Developer: familia Izuel.
YEAR 1981
- Timber Nave and warehouse in Martillué (Huesca).
- "Bulevar" Banquet Hall and spectacle Hall in Guasa (Jaca).
YEAR 1980
Design of commercial premise for sporting goods at C/ Unión Jaquesa in Jaca (Huesca).